NSW Jobs

Rentals - Sydney

Full Time - Rentals Prep Technician - Sydney

By working as a camera prep technician, this role will allow the successful applicant the chance to work with an extremely diverse range of motion picture equipment while delivering world class service to our clients. You will work with a team of staff as they handle the quoting, booking, preparation, support, return and invoicing of equipment for all manner of production from TVC, Corporate, Documentary, Series Drama and Feature Films.

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Rentals - Sydney

Full Time - Rentals Client Liaison - Sydney

The ideal candidate will be someone that has a strong foundation of technical knowledge, while also understanding the nuances of the Film & Television industry from a business perspective. Part technician, part producer and part artist, this role will allow the successful applicant the chance to work with all manner of crew to ensure that their vision makes it to screen.

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Sales - Melbourne

Full Time - Sales Representative - Sydney

We have an exciting opportunity for the right individual to join our sales team in Artarmon NSW as we seek to deliver outstanding customer solutions and experience.

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